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Kick Assiest Blog
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Great Column: Cannot Understand Normal Thinking
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Columns

Cannot Understand Normal Thinking

Vox Populi, BlogWonks
By The Rogue Jew

Cannot Understand Normal Thinking! As offensive as this might sound, take the first letter from each of the words on the title of this post and that is who we have as the NEW Majority Leader in the Congress. The Howling Moonbat from San Fran Freako Nancy Pelosi will now be able to Destroy America with the help of her friends.

The Baloney Smoking, Baby Killing, Butt Slamming MINORITY of America now has its leader in Washington and she takes her marching orders from the Gay Mafia.

Hang on to your wallets and your children America, Nancy Pelosi & Co. want them both.

If anything, yesterday was NOT a Mandate for the Democrats, it was a message to the Republicans that they had better go back to their Conservative ways of Less Government, Tougher Immigration Laws, and Fiscal Control. Unfortunately now that the Democrats are in control of America’s Purse Strings, the Economic Recovery that we’ve experienced since the Recession started by the Clinton Presidency will be but a memory.

Higher Taxes because of Democrats refusal to renew President Bush’s Tax cuts and the raising of the Minimum Wage that Democrats have long desired to accomplish will put more people out of jobs and send more businesses out of the country.

The People of Minnesota elected to congress a man that will go on to serve the interest of Islamic Terrorists and the Terror Lobbyist Group CAIR. Osama bin Laden now have a Representative in the United States Congress.

Keith Ellison [aka Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison Muhammad] the DFL candidate for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional district, was elected to the US Congress yesterday.

Under the heading “Crime and Safety” Ellison states that, “I have been to too many funerals of young people to be anything but a strong supporter of law enforcement, but I also believe it must be balanced by other factors.”

Perhaps by “balance” Ellison was referring to his call for the release of Sara Jane Olsen aka Sister Soliah, a member of the urban guerrilla Symbionese Liberation Army [the group which kidnapped Patty Hearst] who had pled guilty to placing bombs underneath two LAPD police cars.

Or maybe it’s Ellison’s support of cop killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu-Jamal?

Is Ellison’s committment to “balance” the root of his agreement with Nation of Islam bigot Joanne Jackson’s statement that Jews are, “the most racist white people” or his work with gang-leader Sharif Willis who murdered Minneapolis Police Officer Jerry Haaf?

Balance is really at the heart of the “Keith Mohammed X Ellison” candidacy, since the Minneapolis and national press have studiously avoided any semblance of it, refusing to tell people the honest truth about Mr. Ellison.

If they won’t, we certainly will, try this on for size Mr. Ellison.

Ellison was not only a member of Louis Farrakhan’s rabidly anti-Semitic Nation of Islam, friendly with people who murdered policemen and those who have been engaged in domestic terrorism but he is the choice of the Saudi Wahhabist lobby in his run for Congress and has actively courted groups with Islamist sympathies, with ties to organizations like Hamas and those who believe that the U.S. Constitution should be replaced with Sharia law.

The one word which is glaringly absent from Ellison’s campaign website is “terrorism.”

This should not be surprising since Keith X is being financed and endorsed by a group which aids and abets it; the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR], a Saudi funded front group for Hamas which Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has characterized as “‘moderate’ friends of terror.”

Members of CAIR and some of its officers now reside in jail on terror related charges.
CAIR’s spokesman Ibrahim Hooper supports the abolition of the U.S. Constitution and the imposition of Sharia law. Towards that end, this year alone CAIR received $50 million dollars to launch a nationwide PR campaign for polish the rather tattered reputation of Islam.

With beheadings, honor killings, rapes, riots, terrorism, and it’s overall oppresive nature, trying to “POLISH” the image of Islam is like putting lip stick on a pig…It’s still a PIG!!!

Terrorists Sympathizers and Socialists now have control over our legislature. The War against Islamic Terrorism is now in the hands of those who embrace it!

With the new direction of our government who will now spend less time chasing and killing terrorist and more time chasing Abortion Protestors and killing Christians and Tax Protestors I highly advise that if you have not already gone out and done so, to buy a gun. A Big Freaking Gun! The biggest gun allowed by present law, before the Democrats take that away. Fuck em!

I can’t wait to see how this one plays out!

Mens News Daily ~ Vox Populi ** Cannot Understand Normal Thinking

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 4:09 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 November 2006 4:16 PM EST

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