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Kick Assiest Blog
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
US Troops in Iraq Mock Lurch Heinz Kerry
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Funny Stuff

What a sense of humor looks like

Attention, John Kerry: Here's a banner message from the troops "stuck in Iraq" that's spreading like wildfire across the 'Net. (Hat tip: Leonard and Anthony J.) Click for enlarged photo:

 Laffing out lowd! 

Update: Drudge just picked up on it. It's gone viral. Well done, troops.

More at: Michelle Malkin ** What a sense of humor looks like

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 3:57 PM EST
Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Pic of the Week: Pumpkin Killa
Mood:  silly
Topic: Funny Stuff

This Blog ~ Pic on File ** Pumpkin Killa  HAPPY HALLOWEEN !  

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 11:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 1:44 PM EDT
Sunday, 8 October 2006
The Muslim 'Offense Level' Raised To 2nd Highest Level, Orange Alert
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Funny Stuff

The Muslim "Offense Level" has been raised

Just to remind you what the various levels mean:

Meaning - We are slightly miffed, although we are not sure why. We think we are not as popular as we would like to be.
Non-Muslim response - Tread very carefully and do not offend us.
Consequence of non-compliance - We will get very cross and stamp our feet.

Meaning - We are quite offended, because people are generally picking on us.
Non-Muslim response - Stop making jokes about us.
Consequence of non-compliance - We will rant on about "Islamophobia" and "Orientalism", although we don't understand what those words really mean.

Meaning - We are definitely cross, because people keep blaming us for 9/11, Parisian cars getting torched, Saudi women getting stoned.
Non-Muslim response - Pretend that these things have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, tell everyone how we brought algebra to 9th Century Spain.
Consequence of non-compliance - We will cause even more mayhem. Did you leave your car out in the street?

Meaning - We are extremely offended by a particular individual or country.
Non-Muslim response - That individual or country must apologize.
Consequence of non-compliance - Individual; Fatwa, assassination, or both. Country; Boycott (unless you export things the Saudi Royal Family are consumers of), and Saudi newspapers write a long string of boring and repetitive articles that you will never read but will drive Saudi readers to distraction.

Meaning - We have had enough of your rudeness and ridicule and have gone completely ballistic.
Non-Muslim response - We demand that the Pope and President Bush go down on their knees and apologize personally for every rude thing that everyone has ever said about us over the last 1400 years, and promise that it won't happen again.
Consequence of non-compliance - We will cease the export of oil, therefore depriving the numerous Saudi Royal Family of all income, we will cease the import of all cars, tanks, airplanes (military and civil), computers, building technology, infrastructure and general professional expertise, and we will stop visiting Western fleshpots like the South of France, the USA, London..... Honest. We will. We really mean it this time. Just you wait. We really will. You better believe it. We're not kidding. We're telling you. Honest. Don't make us do it...

Anyway, we are now on HIGH, so watch out.

This might be funny, if it wasn't so damn true!

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 12:14 AM EDT
Monday, 2 October 2006
Are you a Libtard?, Take a Test
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Funny Stuff

Signs that you might be a Libtard

You are against the War on Terror, but are only too happy to make millions of dollars by making movies about it.

You preach about the evils of Capitalism from the comfort of your Beverly Hills estate.

You cry about the evils of "profiterring corporations", but still demand your weekly paycheck.

You think "rich people" are evil, but are willing to over-look the fact that Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Michael Moore, and Al Franken are "rich", as well.

You scream and shout when innocent civilians are accidentally caught in the cross-fire, but remain silent when terrorists kill them on purpose.

You think OJ Simpson is really looking for the "real killers."

You claim a higher moral ground in opposing the death penalty, but celebrate killing of innocent un-born babies.

You think America deserved 9/11.

You think the troops are "war criminals", but a thug who killed somebody in cold blood is just a "victim of society."

You think you can give a dollar to somebody, without first having to take it from somebody else.

You want to ban and outlaw legal gun ownership, yet the same time, you want to be allowed to have armed guards at your beck-and-call.

You think Ted Kennedy knows how to manage your money, better than you do.

You think Saddam, Kim Jong Il, and Castro were fairly elected, but President Bush was not.

You fail to see the connection between Lenin and Lennon.

You think "tolerance" is reserved for those who share your opinions, views, and ideals.

You think the name of God/Jesus should be banned and censored, except when spoken in profanity.

You think it was wrong for Bush to use images of 9/11 in political ads, but saw nothing wrong with Kerry using flag-draped caskets in his ads.

You refuse to allow a child to carry a Bible to school, but demand that schools make special provisions to accommodate a non-Christian's religious beliefs.

You whine about religious leaders involvment in politics, but only when the Reverend's name is Robertson...not Jackson or Sharpton.

You support radical Judges who interpret what they "think" the Constitution means, instead of what it actually says.

You think the meaning and definition of the Constitution should change, based on your own feelings or opinions.

You constantly cry about defense spending, but scream when bases in your areas are closed.

You think Greenpeace and the Earth Liberation Front burning down SUV dealerships or torching chemical plants "help" the enviroment.

You support low-income housing, until they start to build in your neighborhood.

You think the term "illegal alien" is a bad word.

You think Michael Moore's films are "historically accurate."

You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.

You believe that there was no art before Federal funding.

You think the only thing wrong with the forged Rather Memo, was people refused to believe it.

You think girls should be allowed to go to an all-boy school, but not the other way around.

You support welfare for illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes, anyway.

You think Fox News distorts the truth, but Dan Rather reports "honest journalism".

You complain that we never give peace a chance.

When asked about your favorite Marx Brother, the first one to come to mind is Karl.

You think NPR is the only really fair and balanced news source.

You think race riots are acceptable.

You think racial hatred is wrong, but "class hatred" is acceptable.

You think that every misbehaving child has ADD and needs to be doped-up on Ritalin.

You think lawsuits that deny any personal responsibility on the part of the plantiff is justified.

You think the best way to deal with terrorist regimes is to please and appease them.

You are opposed to a military presence in Europe, unless it's to bail out France.

You would rather defend Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Saddam and Castro before you defend the US.

You think violent gun-crime would automatically disappear if honest citizens could not bear arms.

You constantly equate Conservatives to the likes of Hilter as your only defense.

You believe 1 + 1 = 2, or 3, or 4...or whatever it takes to protect the child's self-esteem.

You think that porn should be federally protected per Freedom of Speech, but public profession of Faith should be outlawed.

You applaud Jimmy Carter for talking about Human Rights, but screamed and shouted when President Bush actually did something about it.

You think we should have given Saddam 12 more years, and then 12 more on top of that, if he didn't comply by then.

You think the UN should be the final authority, even in the U.S.

You think if a person makes more than $50,000/year, then he/she is cheating people and ripping them off.

You think being able to play the President on a popular TV drama automatically equates to "political wisdom" in real life.

You scream and shout about Christians ramming their beliefs upon you, but you say nothing when Athiests and Muslims do the same.

You think it was "un-ethical" for Bush to accept campaign donations from the NRA, but not when Clinton accepted campaign donations on behaf of the Communist Chinese government.

You think if somebody disagrees w/what is being said, they are challenging or denying your rights to Free Speech.

You think that poverty is caused by the wealthy.

You think the ACLU really gives a damn about individual rights.

You think the Dixie Chicks and Tim Robbins should say what they want, but O'reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh should be censored.

You protested American intervention in the Middle-East, because we did not have UN approval, but supported American intervention in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia, even though we did not have UN approval.

You screamed and shouted when Ah-Nold allegedly groped women, but cheered when Bill Clinton did the same.

You are against sexual harrasment except when committed by a Kennedy or a Clinton.

You object to little old ladies wearing fur, but not bikers wearing leather.

You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin.

Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy.

You think Saddam had WMDs when Clinton was in office, but all of the sudden, didn't have them when Bush was in office.

You think the Middle East crisis can only be solved once Israel is wiped off the map.

You believe the Bible is racist, sexist, and homophobic, but think the Koran should be required reading.

You consider the Catholic bishops noble and idealistic when they oppose capital punishment and welfare cuts but dangerous fanatics when trying to promote pro-life.

You think a lawyer taking 33% from a settlement for his services is fair, but the Government taking 33% of your paycheck for taxes is "too low."

You find Christianity and anything relating to it potentially harmful to you and your children, but you're completely open-minded to Witchcraft, occult-ism, mysticism, ect.

You think having an open-mind means being "pro-Gay", "pro-Abortion", "anti-Christian", "anti-Business", and "anti-Conservative."

You think only white people can be racist.

You think that tax cuts hurt poor people and are uncompassionate but taking 30% from their paychecks is compassionate.

You believe that posting the "Ten Commandments" in schools will hurt the children, but promoting homosexuality and paganism "helps" the children.

You think the answer to ANY crime no matter how henious or serious, is counseling.

You only watch "All in The Family", because Meathead made so much sense.

You think Rush Limbaugh and Michael Reagan are mean spirited racists and promote hate crime but Maxine Waters, John Conyers and Louis Farakahn aren't and don't.

You think that Doctors should be made into government bureaucrats, but that lawyers should not.

You think O.J. is actually innocent, but that Bernard Goetz is not.

You would have supported the war in Iraq, if Clinton or Gore was President.

You are against censorship unless it's censoring race, Christianity, Conservatism, Western culture, Rush Limbaugh, or Ann Coulter.

You make snide remarks about guys who look at women, but champion Clinton's right to do whatever he wants with his interns.

You think that the four cops who beat Rodney King should have been thrown in jail forever, but the four thugs who beat Reginald Denny should get just a slap on the wrist.

You get mad when rape victims' sexual history is plastered all over the news media, but demand Paula Jones' sexual history "must be made public."

You hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death because he is a minority or gay and you rally about punishing the bigot who committed the terrible act. BUT, if you hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death for his money, and you start talking about the poor disadvantaged person who is forced to commit such acts to survive.

You think that pouring blood on a $1,500 fur coat is a sure-fire way to get your message across, but if anyone protests against abortion, they're the extremeists.

You think that the only way the tragedy at Columbine could have been avoided was to outlaw legal, private gun ownership.

You think hunters don't care about the enviroment, but Seattle folks who have never stepped foot outside of their local Starbucks, do.

You think it takes a village, instead of parents, to raise a child.

You think tolerance of your opinions and acceptance of your opinions go hand-in-hand.

You believe that doctors are over-paid, but ambulance-chasing lawyers are not.

You think that Celebrities and other media icons have the right to Free Speech and those who agree with them have the right to Freedom of Speech, but those who dare to disagree with them do not.

You slam Ah-Nold for his father having alleged ties to the Nazi when you have a known and un-apologetic Klansman and public anti-Semite in your own company (Sen. Byrd.)

You think Ah-Nold should not be in politics because he's "just a celebrity", but you would have endorsed Martin Sheen, Sean Penn and company based on that sole criteria.

You scream and shout over alleged "violence" in Mel Gibson's "The Passion", yet you ran to see "Kill Bill", "Freddy VS. Jason" , "The Texas Chainsaw Massacure" and play "Unreal" and "Duke Nuke'em", "Grand Theft Auto", ect. and said nothing about the violence portrayed in those.

You think Hollywood can say or do no wrong and should be treated as such.

You think a child who is quietly and privately saying Grace before a meal at school, constitue the said child ramming his/her beliefs upon others.

You turn a blind eye to the suicide bombings at the hands of radical fanatics, but condemn Israel and the Western World for wanting to keep their people safe from Terrorism.

You think if Sean Penn or Martin Sheen said so, it should be revered as holy scripture.

You cheered and applauded when Clinton stated he "smoked pot but never inhaled" and at the same time, screamed and shouted when Rush Limbaugh admitted to being addicted to LEGALLY OBTAINED MEDICATION.

You think Freedom of Speech is reserved for those who think as you do, but not for anybody else.

You ban the Bible in schools because of Church/State, then welcome Islamic and New-Age, and other religion teachings in the same school.

You think every problem can be solved by simply throwing money at it.

You think more taxes are an ecomomic cure-all.

When a violent crime is comitted with a gun, you think it's the gun itself, and not the offender, who is responsible.

You blame the NRA, and not the criminals, for violent crime with guns.

You think Freedom of Speech and agreeing with what is being said go hand-in-hand.

You think everything wrong in the world is automatically Bush's fault and everything right in the world is automatically because of Clintoin.

You feel people should "share the wealth" (as long as your money is not the one being "shared".)

You think that being a Hollywood icon automatically means you are more "in tune" to world events than the leaders of the country.

You complain about the SUVs and other less-econmical cars, yet you parade around in a 5-mile-per-gallon limo.

You think that you can understand politics from Hollywood and activist celebrities without doing any research yourself.

You ban Tom Sawyer from schools for being "racist" but you approve of My Two Moms as wholesome and acceptable.

You think every solution to every problem can be solved with bigger Government.

You think people should be rewarded for laziness, but hard-working people should be taxed dry.

You frown upon self-thought and independent thought.

You think convicted criminals and democratic politicians who screw up are worth understanding and forgiving but conservative politicians and religious people who speak their opinion should be banned from public service.

You think that tolerance equals acceptance and anyone who doesn't accept a liberal cause is a racist or bigot.

You throw down the "race card" as your only argument.

You think terrorists and arsonists who burn down private property and harass businesses are noble but the troops who liberated Iraqis are war criminals.

You think that violent protests and domestic terrorism are how you affect change in our country instead of voting.

You believe people are owed restitution for injuries inflicted on their long-dead ancestors.

You find charisma to be an appropriate replacement for honesty.

You find flashy rhetoric to be a suitable substitute for sincerity.

You don't believe willful omissions of facts should be considered lying.

You have a problem with the mention of God in the Pledge of Allegiance, but have no qualms about it being printed on your wonderful money.

You simultaneously piss on our country and its system while reaping its rewards.

You refuse to acknowledge any contributions to society that were not made by minorities.

You continue to trash America, claiming how horrible and evil it is, yet you refuse to leave.

You think Yassar Arrafat was deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize.

You think guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of a hate filled dictator.

You believe that people should not have to be expected to take responsibility for their actions.

Mothers who are drug addicts should be allowed to have children and to raise them while they're addicted.

Capitalism oppresses people and Socialism liberates people.

You think the Governnment should provide "entitlement" programs, rather than expect us to earn what we have.

You refuse to lift a finger to save an unborn baby but at the same time, rush to the aid and defense of violent serial-felons on death row.

You think teachers should not use the class-room to promote politics, unless the teacher is promoting anti-Conservative agendas, then it becomes a matter of "Free Speech."

You try to make excuses on behalf of terrorism.

You believe in choice except when it comes to retirement, schools, health care, and religious speech.

You think Clinton was an "honest and virtuous man."

You believe that unwed teenage mothers should get a paycheck from the Government.

You ignore more than 50 years of medical warnings about tobacco use, but when you get cancer, the tobacco company is to blame.

You think society "owes you a living."

You somehow believe that George Bush is more dangerous than Bin Laden, Saddam, Hitler, ect.

You believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and sex offender belongs in the White House.

You believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

You believe that hetrosexuality is a learned behavior, but homosexuality is normal and natural.

You somehow think that a President who lied under oath, appeased fanatical dicators, and gave military technology to hostile regimes is somehow better for America than the present Administration.

You believe think Bush is a genius who masterminded 9/11, yet is as dumb as a stump, the rest of the time.

You want to legalize drugs but outlaw tobacco.

You want what you feel "you deserve", instead of what you earn.

You think it's OK to be dis-honest, if personal gain is at stake.

You can exaggerate the facts and make up fiction to prove your point.

You spew out your rhetoric, but have nothing to back it up.

You think that "truth" is irrelevant.

You think the Corporations are evil, but Communism and dictatorships are "noble."

You think the UN is an efficient governmental body.

You like to say that you fight discrimination, then you turn around and give "perks" simply based on race.

You think the Kennedy Family was a "respectable family" but call George Bush a "Hitler."

You think traits like honesty and character are "out-dated."

You think that the minority should have the right to force their will upon the majority.

You think 1 white and 20 non-whites is "diversity."

You somehow think taking guns away from honest citizens will reduce crime by violent offenders.

You somehow think Saddam and Bin Laden are better for the world than President Bush.

You believe people should do what you say, but not what you do.

You preach "peace" and "love" and "non-violence" and "anti-gun laws" but appear in movies that glorify guns, explosives and twisting people's heads of with martial arts to win over the bad guys.

You deride Bush for landing on a plane to boost moral and show his gratitude to the troops but you praise Clinton for slashing the military in half.

You think the "all Men are created equal" comments in the Declaration Of Independance means that they are actually equal in ability (as opposed to being given equal opportunity) and no one should make a choice about them based on their actual abilities to perform.

You think a person's sexual preference, or race, and not their ability to perform, should be the deciding factor in who-gets-what job.

You think demanding respect is more important that actually doing something to earn it.

You think the "right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" means breaking into military installations during wartime, stopping commerce, and breaking nudity laws are what the founding fathers meant.

You think Conservatives should be held to a different, and higher standard than you are willing to meet, yourself.

You claim you are "offended" by Christianity, yet you still partake in the Christmas festivities and demand a paid holiday.

You think SUVs are supportive of terrorists, but houses with 10 car garages are A-OK.

You think "choice" applies only to abortion.

You scream about our dependance on foreign oil, but refuse to allow us to tap into our own reserves.

You think the word "unilateral" is defined as "without France, Germany, and Russia"...

You call Conservative millionaires "greedy", while calling Liberal millionaires "hard working", "creative", or "clever."

One day you label President Bush as just a "stupid hick from the sticks" and the next day call him an "evil genius."

You believe that condoms and clean needles should be handed out at school, but Bibles must not be allowed.

You believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't.

You believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.

You refuse to wave or salute the American flag, because America has so many things wrong with it.

You think since Clinton only "smoked and didn't inhale" pot, it's OK.

You preach against racial/sexual bias, but turn around and endorse Affirmative Action.

When you boycott a Conservative person and/or company you call it "Freedom of Choice"....but when Conservatives boycott, you call it "McCarthyism."

You think Church/State means that religion should be banned from all aspects of public and private life.

You begin every sentannce with "I (or we) demand"...

You have ever used the expressions "that poor guy," or "he couldn’t help it" to describe a convicted murderer.

You have an "I'm the victim" mentality and every day, milk it dry.

You think Barbara Steisand really cares about the Iraqi children.

You think Iraq was just a "War for Oil."

You think Bin Laden is not really all that bad, and is just "mis-understood."

You think evangelical is a dirty word.

You think the New York Times is a "beacon of truth", but Fox News is just a book of lies.

You think Maureen Dowd should get the Nobel Prize for Journalism.

You complain that Fox News has a "slight Conservative edge", but say nothing about the far-to-the-Left Liberal bias of CNN, New York Times, BBC, ect.

You think Sen. Joseph McCarthy was "evil" but the American Commies he tried to expose within the State Dept were "heroic."

You think Jimmy Carter handled Iran just fine and dandy.

You refer to President Bush a "Hitler" as your defense to any critisism on your stance/position.

You think if a Conservative is under investigation, it should not matter whether or not the allegations are true/false, but should be totally based around the seriousness of the said allegations.

You think Jayson Blair is an honest and legitimate journalist.

You think that rights of gays, lesbians, drag queens (or kings) should be forcibly recognized, but rights of Christians/Jews should be denied.

You believe that we can "spend our way" out of the deficit.

No trees should be cut down, even if they're dead.

The government should tax every last bit of your paycheck.

You think that Saddam, Stalin, and Hitler were "noble" and in the same breath, you call President Bush "evil."

You think morals and integrity are not relevant and should not stand in the way of personal gain.

You keep calling it "Clinton's Army" and "Bush's economy."

You poke fun at the "cookie cutter houses" in the suburbs, yet live in the city, in a giant brick building called an "apartment", no different from any other in the city.

You would rather have a President who spend his Administration caving in to terrorist demands in a frenzy to please and appease them, rather than a President who is fighting them to make the world a safer place for all.

And Finally...

You think Ralph Nader cares about consumers, Unions care about their members, the ACLU cares about civil liberties, the National Education Association cares.

About education, People for the American Way care about the American way, and Bill Clinton cares about anything other than Bill Clinton.

Long list. Being conservative is pretty simple, you have to have common sense.

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 3:30 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 January 2007 12:21 PM EST
Thursday, 28 September 2006
Cut And Run (Sung to the Tune of ''Let It Snow'')
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Funny Stuff

Cut And Run

(Sung to the Tune of "Let It Snow")

Oh the Weathermen all were Marxists
Their successors now are heartsick
So they beat their anti-Bush-war drum
Cut and run, cut and run, cut and run.

They're showing no signs of stopping
And their leadership's flip-flopping
Surrender-monkeys everyone
Cut and run, cut and run, cut and run.

When we finally win this war
I'll enjoy saying ''I told you so''
To the people who think Al Gore
Really won back in O-Ohhhh...

The peaceniks just keep on bitching
As their moles go right on snitching
John Murtha's their favorite son
Cut and run, cut and run, cut and run.

By Edward L. Daley -- The New Media Journal.us




Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 7:37 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 September 2006 9:12 AM EDT
Monday, 25 September 2006
Revving Mad, man accused of ''revving his car in a racist manner''
Mood:  spacey
Topic: Funny Stuff


Cops claim driver's engine noise was a racist threat

A driver spent two nights in jail after being accused of "revving his car in a racist manner".

Mechanic Ronnie Hutton, 49, yesterday described his court ordeal which finally ended when prosecutors dropped the allegation of racism.

But he was still convicted of a breach of the peace for revving the engine of his £25,000 Lotus. Witnesses claimed he had been trying to intimidate a Libyan couple on the pavement.

Ronnie, of Stirling, claims he was only revving the powerful V8 engine to avoid another £15,000 repair bill.

But off-duty Chief Inspector Eoin Jenkins thought he was targeting Muslim Isam Maigel and his wife Hana Saad. And when Jenkins, now retired, confronted Ronnie he was told to "fuck off".

On Thursday, at Stirling Sheriff court, the Crown ditched the racist part of the charge but Sheriff Andrew Cubie convicted Ronnie of breach of the peace and fined him £150.

Last night, he said: "To be convicted for revving my car in a busy street is hard to take. Does this mean anyone driving a noisy car in Scotland is now a criminal?"

Following the row last September, police officers arrived at Ronnie's home and asked him to come with them to talk about the incident. He ended up being kept in a cell for two nights before being taken to court where he was released without charge.

He complained to the fiscal and the new charges surfaced months later. He said: "The police kept me in custody over the weekend because I made the mistake of swearing at a senior officer."

In court, Mr Maigel, 28, then a student at Stirling Uni, said: "The driver came alongside and was trying to annoy us by revving his engine very, very loudly."

Using an interpreter, Hana Saad, 23, said he had degraded them "maybe because we are Muslim".

Ronnie claims he was only trying to prevent the repeat of a engine problem had had suffered earlier with the Esprit.

He said: "I've had problems with the Lotus since I bought it. I paid £15,000 for a new engine in 2003.

"As soon as I started the car the oil pressure light wouldn't go out. I accept I revved the engine - it's a V8 twin turbo and is noisy and frightening.

"I would openly apologise to this couple. I am not a racist."

He is now considering an appeal against his conviction - and also plans to sell the Lotus. He said: "It has been nothing but trouble."

He tried to annoy us by revving his engine very loudly, claimed Isam Maigel

Email The UK Sunday Mail: r.findlay@sundaymail.co.uk.
UK Sunday Mail ~ Russell Findlay ** Cops claim driver's engine noise was a racist threat

First, since when is "muslim" a race? And second, Revving an engine offends muslims? Is there anything that DOESN'T offend muslims?
GREAT! now we have to worry about "Hate revving"
Good thing he wasn't riding a Harley.

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 4:40 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 25 September 2006 4:54 PM EDT
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Comedian: ''I Miss Bill Clinton''
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Funny Stuff

Comedian: "I Miss Bill Clinton"

It doesn't matter what party you belong to - this is hilarious. From a show on Canadian TV. there was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.

"Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we ever  got to having a black man as President. Number 1 - He played the sax. Number 2 - He smoked weed. Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women. Even now? Look at him... his wife works, and he don't!  And, he gets a check from the government every month. Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America's shelves this week with "Clinton Soup," in honor of one of the nations' most distinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.

Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton.  The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada.

When asked what he thought about foreign affairs,  Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."

The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I think you need to know."

Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."

--- ya gotta love it!

"Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged."  Ronald Reagan

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 11:51 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 21 September 2006 12:03 AM EDT
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Dennis Miller Schools Bill Maher on Free Speech and Fox News
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Funny Stuff

Dennis Miller Schools Bill Maher on Free Speech and Fox News

By Noel Sheppard

Well sports fans, the plot is still thickening. TVNewser reported on Monday that a fellow comedian has responded to Bill Maher’s “free speech” rant reported by NewsBusters here and here.

To refresh memories, Maher said on his Friday evening “Real Time” program “if CBS News doesn’t understand what free speech is, what am I supposed to expect of Fox News?” Deliciously, someone who has worked for both HBO and FNC had an answer for Maher:

This morning, comedian and FNC contributor Dennis Miller called TVNewser to respond. "Maher wants to know what to expect of Fox? I can tell him what to expect," he said. "Roger Ailes has never asked me once what I'm going to talk about, or how he'd like me to talk about it. It's completely up to me. Nobody has ever stipulated anything."

It seems that between the executive producer of the CBS “Evening News” denying that Maher was asked not to speak about religion, and Miller’s comments, Mr. Real Time has a bit of egg on his face.

News Busters ~ Noel Sheppard ** Dennis Miller Schools Bill Maher on Free Speech and Fox News
Noel Sheppard's blog | login or register to post comments
Categories: Bill Maher | CBS | CBS Evening News

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 5:37 AM EDT
Thursday, 7 September 2006
Ski instructors brave cold for naked calendar
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Funny Stuff

Ski instructors brave cold for naked calendar

Austrian ski-instructors have finally responded to demands from their students and released a naked calendar.

Twenty-four male and female instructors braved the Alpine cold over 6,000 feet above sea level in Austria's stunning Arlberg region to pose for the Ski Instructors Calendar.

Each calendar has both male and female photos and can be flipped over depending on preference.

According to a company spokesman, the idea for the calendar came when a drunken British ski-school member tried to persuade a group of ski and snowboard instructors to strip off.

He said: "We often get men staring at the female instructors and many women seem to sign up just to flirt with their teachers, so we thought, why not give them what they want?"

Snowboard teacher Kiki, 28, said she loved being a model. She said: "I never had any idea it would be so much fun."

Calendar boss Gerhard Lucian said he originally thought it might be hard to persuade enough people to strip off but was pleasantly surprised.

He said: "In the end we had so many people sign up, and they were all gorgeous, it was actually very hard to choose. It's such a pity the year only has 12 months."

Ananova.com UK ** Ski instructors brave cold for naked calendar

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 11:07 PM EDT
Sunday, 3 September 2006
Nude Teens Raising Eyebrows in Vermont
Mood:  flirty
Topic: Funny Stuff

Nude Teens Raising Eyebrows in Vermont

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. -- Nudity isn't new here. Usually it bares itself in more subtle places than a downtown parking lot, though.

This summer, a group of teenagers has disrobed near restaurants, bookstores and galleries, igniting a debate about whether this bohemian southern Vermont town should ban a practice that has been tolerated until now.

"Brattleboro tends to be a laid-back town and pretty accepting of the unusual, but this is really pushing limits," said Police Chief John Martin.

"It's clearly to outrage people, it's clearly rebelliousness," he said.

By most accounts, the stripping started on a whim in early summer when a young woman sat naked on a park bench, Martin said. Then another woman started taking her shirt off downtown.

A music festival promoting nudity and rebelliousness set up in May in a downtown parking lot and attracted nude hula hoopers, Martin said.

Last month, a half dozen young people bared their bodies in the lot, encircled by the backs of bookstores, coffee shops and restaurants.

They say they're just exercising their rights.

"It's just an act of freedom," said 19-year-old Adhi Palar. "We're just doing so because we can." Palar and the others "do not consider nakedness to be innately sexual or rude and it shouldn't be confined to that," he said.

All the bare skin has raised eyebrows, even in a town that has seen clothing-optional swimming holes, streakers and an event known as "Breast Fest," which featured women parading topless.

To some, a bunch of teenagers going au naturel is just harmless rebellion.

"To most people, it's not a big deal," said Catherine Kauffman, 57, who calls Brattleboro "a don't-take-away-too-many-of-my-rights kind of town."

Rich Geidel, 50, co-owner of Everyone's Books, said the parking lot may not be the most appropriate place for nudity, but he said he's not concerned.

"We don't think it's bad for kids to hang out," he said. "As long as people are polite, don't block the entrance, we don't ask them to leave."

To others, it's disturbing. Some worry it could drive business away from downtown.

"It's a bad image for Brattleboro," said Ozzie Kocaoglu, 43, who owns Sundried Tomato restaurant at the far end of the parking lot, which has long been a teen hangout.

Vermont has no state laws against public nudity, but communities can pass their own rules banning it.

At least eight cities and towns have passed anti-nudity ordinances, according to the Vermont League of Cities and Towns.

So far, Brattleboro has chosen not to, but the teenagers' dress-down may change that. The town is researching what other communities have done to curb their nakedness.

The 50,000-member American Association for Nude Recreation espouses nude recreation in appropriate places, but doesn't use nudity "for social commentary, or rebelliousness or an act of civil disobedience," said Mary Jane Kolassa.

Baring it all as a form of social protest is growing.

This summer, nude bicyclists rode through Burlington to protest the country's reliance on oil, part of an event known as the World Naked Bike Ride. Elsewhere, nudity has been used to oppose the Iraq war and the treatment of animals.

In Vermont, voters in another town shot down a ban on nudity after two public votes.

Prompted by complaints about nudity and sexual activity at a swimming hole, the Wilmington select board passed an anti-nudity ordinance in 2002. But supporters of the freedom to skinny dip rejected the ban.

"There were some ugly moments in the debate with some name calling and lots of good healthy debate about reasonable rights and responsibility under those rights," said Town Clerk Susie Haughwout. Officials weren't sure how they would have enforced a ban and to what extent, she said.

For now Brattleboro is weighing its options. And waiting for summer to turn to fall.

"As soon as winter comes, there won't be a story anymore," said Town Clerk Annette Cappy.

On the Net:
American Association for Nude Recreation

World Naked Bike Ride

Access North Ga.com ~ Associated Press - Lisa Rathke ** Nude Teens Raising Eyebrows in Vermont

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 1:15 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 3 September 2006 1:38 AM EDT

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