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Kick Assiest Blog
Wednesday, 30 August 2006
Donkey See, Monkey Do, Boy do the Moveon libtards hate Jews
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Lib Loser Stories

Donkey see, monkey do

Last week, Sen. George Allen personally apologized to a staff member of his Democrat opponent, James Webb, for calling him a "macaca." This was the latest in a string of public apologies for what has been described as a racial slur aimed at individual who is of Indian descent.

The moral outrage pouring from the media and Democrats was heartwarming. It was reassuring to see that such expressions of bigotry by any party, politician or political organization (or movie actor) will not be tolerated.

So no doubt the media and the Left will soon turn their attention to the vicious anti-Semitism the followers and members of a political organization that donates millions to Democratic candidates and uses the Web to whip up support for its policies.

I am referring to Moveon.org; an entity that claims it is merely the vehicle of "real Americans -- from carpenters to stay-at-home moms to business leaders -- we work together to realize the progressive vision of our country's founders." To the extent that Moveon.org is a reflection of its membership, it is also a reflection of the opinions and sentiments it shares about its fellow Americans and citizens of the world. And boy do the Moveon folks hate Jews.

Perhaps hate is too weak a word. William F. Buckley Jr. wrote an article in 1991 exploring the question of whether Pat Buchanan was an anti-Semite (The answer: yes.) Mr. Buchanan called Jewish supporters of Israel its "amen corner" and a fourth (or was it fifth?) column undermining American global interests. But he never called them "Media owning Jewish pigs" or "sneaky Jewish sympathizers!" Both can be found repeatedly on the Moveon.org Action Forum.

Moveon is not the only leftist Web site filled with anti-Semitism. But compared to the Dailykos and the slanderous Huffington Post nothing compares to Moveon in terms of quantity or viciousness.

After Sen. Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut, one Moveon member stated: "Jew Lieberman first step. Corporate Clinton will be next. Impeachment of BushCo will be third." This one came in with 95 percent of Moveon members responding approving the "Jew Lieberman" post. (Moveon helpfully records the percent of people agreeing with each post.)

Many postings creatively connect the need to eliminate Jewish influence with the goal of impeaching President Bush: Here's a typical one, which also received a high approval rating:

"I was reading some where someone posting about how Israel has lost world respect because of their murderous rampage throughout Lebanon?

Talk about loss of respect? What do you think the rest of the world thinks of ZioUSA now after seeing the BushCo spectacle, with Rice & Bolton flailing in the wind for the Zionazis against all world opinion?

Loss of respect is putting it mildly.

Impeachment of Bush is the only remedy."

Wonder how impeaching Mr. Bush will reduce Jewish influence in the Middle East and the media? This next post explains it all:

"There is an Army of Zionist Cyber Trolls sent onto the Internet who are part of an organized effort to hush, distract, and obfuscate the Zionist massacre and destruction of Lebanon and the Gaza Strip and it's peoples.

All of this is part and parcel of a deliberate strategy orchestrated from the BushCo ZioNeoCon Cabal in cahoots with the Zionazi Israelis to attempt to provoke the Syrians and Iranians to draw them into the conflict in Lebanon so as to be able to have an excuse for BushCo to 'strike back in response' with U.S. military might in 'the defense of Israel'.

You see, Bush is at the heart of a government run by Jews and Christian Zionists:

"Christian Zionists are ultimately responsible for whatever Israel does, whether they realize it or not! Of course they're going to play dumb and say they're powerless over Israel! We're supposed to fall for that. The US Gov. could stomp Israel like a bug, if we had to! That's where the Christian Zionist "beliefs" mix with US laws and Foreign Policy. They are favoring Israel because of their Zionist belief system." Ninety agreed with this post.

Why the Jews? Or as one post quipped, "Why are the Jews so Jew-y?" According to the mind of Moveon, "(I)t's those GREEDY PIGS who own our mainstream media who are placing RELIGION/POLITICS (ISRAEL) and CORPORATE GREED above the best interests of the American people (peace, democracy, clean air, healthcare, etc.). As we've already agreed, most of these GREEDY PIGS are Jewish." Fifty percent approved of this post.

There are hundreds of similar statements.So in the warped world of the Moveon's "concerned citizens" it's easy to assume most people think like you: "Mel Gibson's [anti-Semitic] erroneous, raging, and drunken words are closer to the true sentiments of most American democrats and other voters than it's governments, politicians, Jewish, and media's sterile support for Israel." Eighty-seven percent of MoveOn members approved of this post.

Meanwhile, postings (mostly by Jews) pleading for moderation are rejected.

"The amount of anti-Semitic trash on this forum is abhorrent to most Americans. These rants, castigating Israel and Jews in general, are taking MoveOn so far from its roots and avowed purpose." Well said. But only 21 percent of Moveon members agree.

But I am sure that any minute, the stalwart opponents of bigotry who have taken George Allen to task will rise up in anger against the malicious Jew-baiting of the Moveon crowd. They will demand that politicians disassociate from the group until it cleans house. To remain silent would be hypocritical, self-serving and a tacit endorsement of anti-Semitism.

Robert Goldberg is vice president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.
Washington Times ~ Robert Goldberg ** Donkey see, monkey do

Posted by yaahoo_06iest at 12:01 AM EDT

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